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Too Short wants everyone to know he's not dead

Janelle Vreeland

Too Short

Too Short confirms he’s alive via Twitter

A nasty rumor that Too Short had died began circulating on the Internet, specifically Twitter, Tuesday morning. But Too Short has spoken and he wants everyone to know that he’s alive.

Tweeting from his verified account, Too Short said, “Stop calling my phone. I’m not dead. Been in the lab working on my 19th album #NoTrespassing in stores Feb 2012.”

Upon seeing multiple tweets incorrectly confirming his death, Too Short decided to tackle the rumor head on, tweeting, “Are U serious? How did they say I died this time? And when did wikipidia & twitter become reliable news sources???” and “Thanks for the calls, texts, emails & tweets. Its good to know yall got love for me. Retweet it & facebook post it. #2Short’sAlive.”

Too Short also replied directly to a Twitter user who suspected that Too Short started the rumor himself. “so I posted on twitter that I’m dead? That’s hella stupid if U get all your news info from tweets,” Too Short fired back.

You can follow Too Short here.

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