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Want to Boost Your Resume? Try Learning to Code with Code Academy

Katy Hollingsworth

Knowing how to code can really boost your resume, especially for non-computer science majors.

This past weekend I took to learning PHP on Code Academy. I run my own blog through WordPress with GoDaddy hosting, and find that most of the themes I work in run on PHP. I began coding back in the early 2000s through a summer camp for kids (I was around 12), and I taught myself a great deal about HTML and CSS. However, given that my knowledge on coding is so dated, I figured it was well past time to update my current knowledge and learn some new languages.

I won’t lie, I didn’t major in computer science in college. I’m incredibly savvy when it comes to technology, but don’t ask me how the whole thing works. My Mass Communications degree only tuned me in to the history of the Internet–not the guts and gears that make it run. 

Code Academy is a wonderful solution to that.

Firstly, it’s completely interactive. You’ll see the code and edit it through their interface, earning badges as you complete lessons. Thus far I’ve learned basic PHP strings and commands, and I’m currently learning control and flow. You’ll get a handle on if/else statements and commands like echo (probably the most basic, but hey, it’s something).

Code Academy is completely free and teaches languages like HTML, PHP, JavaScript and Ruby. You can also create a myriad of APIs, which are crucial in developing.

Each lesson varies in time, though the PHP course is estimated to take around 4 hours depending on how quickly you move.

Coding is a great skill to have on a resume, especially for writers.

If your resume is looking a little… well, bare, then coding may be just the ticket to boosting your chances at an interview. Given that most businesses operate in both a physical and online space, companies want to pick out candidates with a bit of knowledge that can benefit them in more than one area. Knowing popular languages can only help you.

If you’re looking for a career in copywriting, content creation, or even managing social media for a company, knowing code will make you stand out among other candidates. Technical knowledge in a more creative/editorial role is an ideal mixture for any content-focused company.

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