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4 Must-Have Apps That Make Life Easier

Adrianna Velazquez

We live in a world where technology has become integrated into our daily lives. It’s where we turn to communicate, read the news and find entertainment. With an overwhelming number of new apps hitting the market everyday here are 4 of the must-have apps today that will make life a little bit easier for college students. 

Go Commando
Managing a regular day job while attending school full-time is difficult near impossible. Go Commando takes making money to a whole new level with it’s convenience and brilliance. The app connects students with brands that post tasks which students accept and complete on their own time. It’s brand ambassadors redefined. Tasks vary per brand and students are able to make their own schedule while earning extra money along the way without the commitment of a regular day job. Students are paid within 48 hours of completing a task and payment is deposited directly to their bank account.

When it comes to managing money, Mint helps student manages their finances by creating a budget based on their spending habits and sending alerts for when your balance is low or you’ve over spent. The app also allows users to set their desired budgets and savings goals.

Google Drive
Chances are you’ve already become very familiar with Google Docs and rely on the life-saving brilliance of the Google Drive feature in Gmail to access your files from anywhere in the world at any time. Need to access your files or edit them but don’t have access to a computer or wifi? Simply download the application to your mobile device, problem solved!

Save a fortune on textbooks by using the Chegg app to hunt down textbooks and avoid trips to the bookstore and standing in long lines. Chegg is free, simple and easy to navigate.

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