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A fashionable dissection of Karmin's music video 'Crash Your Party'

Princella Talley

I don’t really know much about Karmin except for the fact that it’s a band compromised of an engaged couple named Amy and Nick. What I do know is that Amy is bright, colorful, and very vintage, and this is enough for me. Throughout the video for ‘Crash Your Party,’ we get to see Amy tread the careful line between fashion fab and fashion failure and she definitely falls to the fab end of the spectrum. Let’s get a little more specific.

Look One: Amy’s eyeliner is perfect. Personally, vintage inspired liner is my favorite with any type of look. One reason is because I’m a big fan of the cat eye. A second reason is that make up isn’t really my forte and this style is easy to apply and remove. I also think it contributes to a more youthful look since lining both the upper lids and water line can sometimes add age to the face.  The hair is also a great style, but there are so many widespread books, videos, and tools to achieve it that it doesn’t really need much discussion.

Look Two:  I loved the white on white combination of the tank and belt. Also, who can resist a woman that adds feminine flair to sneakers? Why don’t many women of fashion wear sneakers anymore? There are many different types of them on the market but we often overlook them for those sexy heels that make our feet scream after a few hours. Comfortable is always sexy, so why not add your pumped up kicks to an outfit you typically match with heels for a fun and flirty change.

Look Three: There are so many great things in this one shot from the color coordinated décor to the housewife with the sleeve tattoo, but on to the subject of Amy’s outfit. I have to say I’m in love here. I am also a bit jealous. It’s takes a bold fashionista indeed to wear so many contrasting colors at once but it can be done. The fashion gods have not yet blessed me with the swagger to wear pink skinny’s with blue heels, so in the meantime, I prefer to play it a little safer with the contrast. For example. I would match the solid colored shoes with a similar toned top and then go for the gusto with the rest of the outfit.

When it comes to the polka dot tops, it’s not uncommon for many of us to feel like we have “outgrown” them. I’m guilty of this one and I always put aside my polka dotted tops for fear of looking like a 12 year old who is actually twice the age, but you can work the look pretty well depending on what you pair it with, the cut of the top, and the fabric. Slightly sheer is a great choice because it’s sexy and takes away from the childish appeal. Also, notice the suspenders. It’s adorable when suspenders are worn well, and they can be given an amplified appeal with an accessory like a fedora.

Look Four: The print matches aren’t my favorite in this shot, but I could definitely overlook that to zone in on the humungous plant growing from her head. For a music video, it works. The times I have seen it in real life, it does not. Size definitely matters with this trend and size is what determines how great the garden that is growing from your head will look. There are many ways to pull this one off and the best thing to do is wear a medium or small flower to make you look more Hawaii and less like a person that has a big plant growing from the scalp.

Look Five: Just about everyone loves those slinky vintage inspired one shoulder dresses and while they are lovely, they are not always flattering. Sure a rocking hot bod will look great in one, but for those of us that are trying to accentuate a little here and hide a little there, these dresses may not be the wisest choice. In any event, if you have to have one, consider purchasing flattering undergarments to help you look your best.

Look Six: So it seems that towards the end of the party crashing, some horizontal stripes and a layered skirt are pulled out. Honestly, these are two things that when paired together can make you look a little chunkier than usual. What saves this look is a waist cinching belt. What would make it even hotter? An interesting pattern on the belt, such as the houndstooth one seen above.

So, to fashionably party crash, be vintage, bold, and mix colors and patterns. Just don’t grow large flowers from the side of your head.

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