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Alpha Sigma Epsilon's Fall

Rosilene Taylor

University of Oklahoma disbands ASE

By now everyone heard of the fiasco that occurred with certain University of Oklahoma students and their need to create a video that was full of racial hatred. Now, the President of the University has stepped up and placed a much needed reprimand on those involved. Saturday evening, the members of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity were caught on camera singing a racist song that has brought back old memories of how the University was over a generation ago, and how far they have, or have not come in recent years. “I have emphasized that there is zero tolerance for this kind of threatening racist behavior at the University of Oklahoma,” Boren said. “I hope the entire nation will join us in having zero tolerance of such racism when it raises its ugly head in other situations across our country.” Boren didn’t just talk the talk, instead he went further, severing ties with the local chapter of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity and expelling two of the students involved. Many of you are probably wondering why it was a mere two individuals that were expelled from the school following Saturday’s incident. The reason, albeit a grey area, is due to the fact that there is a need to show students participating in a leadership capacity in order for the expulsion to be an acceptable avenue. With that being said, the University is continuing to look into the incident, as well as reviewing the video footage. It can only be expected that we will be hearing more from the Boren and other faculty members within the upcoming days and weeks. The surrounding community has rallied together to battle such racial hatred and segregation by staging protests on the Universities Campus grounds over the last couple of days. One individual stating that he was ashamed to call the University of Oklahoma his alma mater. All that can be confirmed at this moment is that the university is trying to show its best side by expelling those students, -Which will be effective immediately- but how do we know that what we are seeing by the universities reps is not just face-saving press? Only time will tell!

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