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Amber Portwood sentenced to five year prison sentence for drug charges

Sara Hall

Amber Portwood has been sentenced to five years in prison after failing to comply with her probation requirements for drug charges.

Portwood failed urine test, lied about it

Amber Portwood, best known for her rebellious lifestyle as portrayed on the MTV show Teen Mom, has been sentenced to a five-year prison sentence for drug charges.

Portwood, 22, was arrested on May 24 for violating her probation requirements when she failed a urine test and lied about it, Prosecuting Attorney Rodney Cummings said in a statement.

Indiana Circuit Judge David Happe ruled Tuesday that Amber Portwood is required to serve the prison sentence imposed earlier this year when she pleaded guilty to a felony drug charge.

Amber Portwood will more than likely only serve two years of her prison sentence, remaining on parole for the remaining duration of her five-year sentence. Inmates are rewarded with a day deducted from their total prison time for each day of successful completion of their sentence, Cummings said.

Amber Portwood could be rewarded an additional 30-day deduction for completing a drug rehab program while in prison.

Amber Portwood could have avoided the prison time if she had followed through with a previous plea deal that included drug rehab, but she dropped out of the program last month.

Portwood was previously arrested based on incidents portrayed on Teen Mom, including those in which she was seen punching, shoving, slapping and choking boyfriend Gary Shirley.

Portwood previously told Good Morning America she had become depressed, so much so that she attempted suicide and being sentenced to prison would be the best thing for her.

Amber Portwood does not have custody of her 3-year-old daughter.

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