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Amber Portwood, "Teen Mom" star, begins her five-year prison sentence

David Batka

Amber Portwood mug shot

Portwood violated parole

Amber Portwood, the reality show Teen Mom star, began her five-year prison sentence Wednesday when she was transported to Indiana’s Rockville Correctional Facility, reported Us Weekly.

Portwood, during her first two weeks will undergo a “diagnostic and evaluation period,” according to a spokesman from the facility. This process will help determine where Amber Portwood should be placed.

During this time Portwood can receive mail, but she can’t have any visitors until she is fully settled in.

The prison sentence fell on Amber Portwood June 5 when a judge reinstated her sentence due to the teen mom failing a urine test while on parole. 

However, it is unlikely that she will serve the entire five-year term. Inmates at the Rockville Correctional Facility receive one day off their sentence for every day of good behavior. Amber Portwood could also receive an additional 30 days off her time if she completes a drug rehabilitation program.

The reality TV star could have avoided prison time all together though if she didn’t drop out a drug rehab program a month earlier.

Amber Portwood has also stated that she tried to commit suicide by taking more than 30 plus pills of Suboxone over a three-day period.

“You know, I was very depressed, all alone, all bitter at everybody,” Amber Portwood lamented in the interview with ABC News. “I felt like that wasn’t the life I wanted to live. I felt like I’d rather do my time, and get it over with and make the best out of the situation that’s been handed to me.”

Portwood added that she feels the time behind bars will only make her a better person and mother to her daughter.

Amber Portwood was first arrested in 2010 when an episode of Teen Mom shoed her punching, shoving, slapping and chocking her daughters father Shirley.

The two have a three-year-old daughter together, and Shirley has full custody.

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