Biggest Loser winner, Danni Allen, tackles Chicago Marathon Next
Biggest Loser winner, Danni Allen, isn’t stopping at winning the biggest championship of her life. No, she’s going to run a Chicago Marathon, too.
The Biggest Loser winner, who lost a whopping 121 pounds and won $250,000 for the monumental achievement, is determined to tackle the Chicago Marathon this October. “That’s going to be my fitness goal after ‘Biggest Loser,’” said the former high school varsity athlete, who was on the soccer team and went on to play for her Clemson University water polo team in South Carolina.
More recently, you could find Danni Allen at her Chicago-area Lifetime Fitness running, spinning and taking spin classes to stay fit during a brief break in filming, according to the Chicago-Sun Times. “We were the only ones in the gym on Christmas Day,” said Kim Moody, Allen’s fitness instructor on the Biggest Loser.
The Biggest Loser winner says her winnings will give her some time to evaluate the direction of her career. She says her days of bartending on Friday nights and as an advertising account coordinator might be over. “I’m not sure if I’ll continue,” she said to the Chicago-Sun Times. “I do have a little extra cash under my belt. It’s given me the opportunity to think beyond the desk. I’ve been given that gift of time to really evaluate my life and find new things for me to try.”
Allen worked especially hard to lose the extra weight after the show ended filming min-January. “One of my biggest fears was putting the weight back on,” Allen said. She even went so far as to turn her Wheeling apartment into a “safe zone,” free of ice cream, potato chips and stuff she knew she would have difficulty resisting if she had a moment of weakness.
The ‘Biggest Loser’ winner even went so far as to promise her new-found friend, runner-up Jeff Nichols, a vacation with her winnings. “We promised each other we would reward the other one with a vacation,” said Allen, adding that she’ll probably be the third wheel because Nichols will be accompanied by his girlfriend.
“But everybody’s talking about how I’m single and hot now, so maybe I’ll find my man on this vacation, too,” Allen said.