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Brothel owner Dennis Hof suggests the US government hire prostitutes

Jalesa Hall

Dennis Hof(left) Heidi Fleiss and Ron Jeremy at an Adult Video Network Convention

After the recent Secret Service scandal, Dennis Hof, owner of the Bunny Ranch, has a couple of suggestions for the US government.

Earlier this week, we reported on the scandal currently going on in President Obama’s Administration’s Secret Service. Well the owner of the Moonlite Bunny Ranch in Carson City, Nevada believes that the situation could have been avoided.

Dennis Hof said, “If these guys had come to the Bunny Ranch and satisfied their needs before the trip, none of this would have happened.”

Hof told Huffington Post that the Secret Service behavior at the “Pley Club,” was “truly awful” and risked having extreme consequences.

Hof said, “It’s a national security risk. These guys were f***ing morons. There’s an old saying, ‘loose lips sink ships,’ and these agents are supposed to be trained to keep secrets, but if you’re dumb enough to argue with a hooker over a $47 bill, you’re dumb enough to leave the plans where the president is going to be by the bedside.”

The eleven men of the Secret Service involved allegedly bragged that they worked for Obama and “we’re here to protect him.”

Though accounts say that the men paid for the sexual services in advance, Hof refers to a dispute over the bill between the men and women, which led to the police being called.
Prostitution is legal in Columbia and “The Pley Club” is a well-known brothel in the area.
Despite Hof’s strong feelings about the Secret Service behavior, he would not charge the agents and has proposed a plan for the Secret Service to bring Bunny Ranch women with them on foreign trips to avoid this from happening again.

“We’re contacting Sen. Harry Reid,” Hof said. “…He is our representative and we would be offering this free of charge to support our country and our president.”

The controversy has over shadowed the summit and local residents are disappointed in the reputation that has been left behind.

One man said, “Cartagena didn’t benefit one cent from President Obama’s visit. All people remember are that the Secret Service agents slept with our prostitutes.”

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