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Career profile: Massage therapist

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Career profile: Massage therapist

Become a massage therapist

If you are interested in becoming a massage therapist, there is no shortage of accredited colleges that offer programs. You can find a list online. If a school is accredited, it means the programs and your certificate of graduation will be recognized by companies and government sectors that wnat to employ knowledgeable and experienced massage therapists.

Massage therapy courses

Some colleges will offer massage therapy classes at their classes as well as online. In most of the courses, the instructors will assume that many if not all of these students have a limited knowledge base about massage therapy. The theoretical parts of the classes will intriduce the students to the basics of what massage therapy is. The students will be shown how the various massage therapy routines can help people in their day to day lives. The various massage techniques that are used will be demonstrated to the students. As theory plays just a small part in becoming a massage therapist, the students will need to practice simple procedures to learn the practical side of being a massage therapist. The student will also be instructed in the use of aromatherapy essential oils. These oils and the safety precautions that need to be taken when the oils are used for massage therapy will be covered in various courses. Once the student has successfully completed these courses, they will be able to receive a certificate in the field of massage therapy. This, however, is not the end result of attending a massage therapy college.

Getting a job in the field

The well-trained graduate of these different massage therapy colleges can find gainful employment in diferent branches of business. Attending massage therapy colleges also allows the intrepid therapist to set out on a path to becoming their own boss. With the rapidly expanding field of massage therapy there is also room for more individuals to become massage therapists and help people rediscover what living well means. Massage therapy education almost always includes the basic fundamental forms and functions of the human body. When you enter into an intensive massage therapy program of study, you can bet required courses will include biology anatomy, physiology, medical terminology, pathology and some form of psychology. To be a good masseuse, you also have to enjoy working with and helping people. Your massage education will prepare you for working with people through various classes such as psychology and customer service. you might also be provided with the history, theory and practical application of massage therapy techniques. If your focus is on rehabilitation, your school should cover the proper methods for medical massage.

Making it your business

Massage therapy schools not only teach you the skills you need, but also can teach you how to operate a mssage business of your own. Business courses will include computer functions and usage, management, marketing, business accounting, professional ethics and state laws and regulations. Choose your massage school and courses very carefully. Be sure the school is accredited and that the program that has gone through the approval process. Industry-approved curriculums that have received accreditation will have one or more of these organizational initials attached: COMTA, ACCSCT, ACCET, ABHES, NAACAS or AMTA.

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