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Chris Brown loves his infamy

Nikki Shewmaker

Chris Brown knows how to keept it classy

The R&B star faces possible jail time for a probation violation

Chris Brown (AKA the modern-day Ike Turner) apparently loves his infamy, tweeting on Monday, “I like being the person everyone hates. Makes life exciting.” Well, good for Chris Brown. That is totally an appropriate thing to post on Twitter mere hours before appearing in court for a probation review due to the fact that prosecutors believe community service records were doctored and that Chris Brown violated the terms of his probation.

Chances are Chris Brown probably didn’t complete the required amount of community service hours. He’s too busy bar brawling, throwing temper tantrums and posting illicit pictures on Instagram in the never ending love triangle between Chris Brown, Rihanna and Karreuche Tran (girl, you’re in danger. Run!) to be bothered to serve that slap-on-the-wrist of a punishment he received for the felony assault of Rihanna in 2009.

Here’s the main problem: Chris Brown thinks he’s awesome. Chris Brown thinks he’s repentant. Chris Brown thinks that everyone hates him. It would be great if any of those things were actually true, but they aren’t. For every person who finds Chris Brown to be an insufferable waste of space, there are two who think he’s great. Chris Brown has Twitter followers who claim they’d love to be assaulted by him. Despite all of the terrible things he has done, Chris Brown is adored beyond comprehension. The fact that Chris Brown thinks his life is just terrible (due to all those pesky problems he caused himself by making douchebaggery his way of life) is laughable. If Chris Brown were properly reviled, he would have no career, two beautiful women wouldn’t be fighting for his right hook and he’d be in prison where he belongs.

For now, Chris Brown is free to continue his booze-and-brawl tour while the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office investigates whether or not he violated his probation. If so, Chris Brown could be facing possible jail time. Another hearing has been set for July.

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