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College Dating: 5 Ways to find Love on Campus

Charlie Fletcher

College Dating: 5 Ways to find Love on Campus

College is often a time of many new experiences, and finding your first serious mate can be one of them. Unlike in high school, when it was often about who we had a crush on, in college, we are more mature and ready to find that special someone. In some cases, the person you meet may turn out to be your soul mate.  

If you are new to college or you’ve not had the best luck finding love, then we are here to help. We have many tips for how to find the right person for you, places where you can find them, and the importance of companionship, even if the relationship is not romantic.

1: Think About What You Really Want

Before you jump blindly into the college dating pool, it is important that you take time to reflect and think about what you really want in a relationship and in a potential partner. If you are looking for something serious, then finding a healthy relationship is key. That means dating someone who shares some of your interests, is easy to talk to, and values you as a person. Plus, there needs to be mutual respect. If you date someone you think you really like, but they don’t treat you right, or they disrespect you, then you need to move on, or the issue could escalate. 

While we will talk a lot about finding love, some college students are too busy or focused on their schoolwork to think about a relationship. If that describes your mindset, then that is understandable, but it is important that you find someone to speak to and share your time with or else loneliness can get the best of you. When we are lonely, we can start to feel hopeless and disconnected, and that is the last thing you need during your college years. If you are just looking for friends, then consider signing up for a class on campus or befriending one of your floormates in the dorm. 

2: Campus Activities

When it comes to finding a potential love interest, consider the many clubs and groups that are available on campus, including fraternities and sororities. If you are looking for an activity to join, then review the bulletin board in your dorm, where you may see many listed events, from professional gatherings at the library to local parties. You can also focus on your grades and meet new people by starting or joining a study group.  

If you need money for tuition, then consider getting a job on campus where you can meet even more people. There are also typically many sporting events on campus. Even if you are not playing, you never know who you will meet by going and having a seat on the bleachers as you enjoy the game with your peers.   

3: Talk To Your Friends

While you can meet plenty of new people by trying out new activities on your own, you can also talk to the friends you already have and see if there is anyone they know that they think would be a great fit. That way, you have a person in common, and you can even go out to do group activities, be it going to the campus bowling alley or taking a nature hike at the local park. Once you are comfortable with the new person, consider going on a one-on-one date. 

4: Go Online

Sometimes when you are looking for love, you need to go to where the people are, and if recent studies are any indication, then you might want to go online. Due to the popularity of social media and apps like TikTok, many young people in Generation Z are trying virtual dating by going on video apps where they can see a potential match face-to-face but in the comfort of their home or dorm.  

There are many dating apps that you can try, some of which are hot spots for college students, including OkCupid, Friendsy, and Zoosk. When you use an online app, make sure that you are truthful and honest about your personality and the activities that you enjoy. When you talk on video, be yourself and avoid the use of filters. You want people to like you for who you are. Just remember to not rely exclusively on dating apps and get out there and have a date in the real world as well. 

5: Volunteer

When you are looking for someone to date, you will want to find a person who is caring and compassionate in everyday life because they will share those attributes in the course of your relationship as well. A surefire way to find someone that cares is to volunteer either on campus or in the town surrounding the school. There are many opportunities to volunteer your services, from working at a soup kitchen or food bank to lending your time at a donation center or doing community work. When you’re there, strike up conversations with the people you work with and see where it goes. 

As you can see, there are many ways that you can meet people and create a romantic connection while you’re in college. Just remember to keep an open mind, prioritize your studies, and have fun, and you will eventually meet that special someone. 

SEE ALSO: Tips for Dealing With Difficult College Roommates

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