These natural cold remedies will help with ailments associated with the winter season
You probably need to check out College News’ natural cold remedies. Are people coughing and sneezing an excessive amount while you are in public spaces now? That is because the lovely germ-infested flu-season is here! Even if you are one of those people that swear up and down that they never get sick, chances are you will still get a sore throat or two during winter. Getting sick usually means you have to fill yourself up with all kinds of medicine and you usually won’t know half of the ingredients in it, which can be unsettling. This is why we have came up with an all-natural care package full of natural cold remedies that is free of foreign ingredients and will clear up whatever bug you may have caught, not to mention it is affordable.
Ice Chips
This is probably my favorite product, since I constantly have stomach issues even when I am not sick. Ice Chips are an all-natural, sugar-free candy that combine xylitol and safe all natural flavors, such as peppermint and ginger, which helps aid in relieving an upset stomach or an all natural cold remedy. Throw a tin of these in your purse and you will be set. Even if you want to just use this as a breath freshener or a way to cure a sweet tooth, these will get the job done. www.icechipscandy.com
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Olbas Pastilles
My coworker came into work unable to swallow with a swollen throat. I gave him one of these lozenges and in a few minutes he was thanking me repeatedly because he was finally able to swallow. Olbas Pastilles maximum strength lozenges are made of herbs and chlorophylls. http://www.olbas.com/olbaspastilles.htm
Dr. Ehninger’s Bronchial Support
December and January is definitely cough season, which is why having some cough medicine in your cabinet is key. However, most cough medicines leave you feeling drowsy to the point where you aren’t able to get anything done. Dr. Ehningers’ natural cough medicine is composed of five herbal extracts, six essential oils and wildflower honey which makes it a truly natural cold remedy. There aren’t any ingredients that you aren’t able to trace and it won’t leave you feeling hungover the day after. http://www.olbas.com/olbascoughsyrup.htm
Olbas Nasal Inhaler
Having slight allergies and a cat that doesn’t understand personal space and has long hair can be the cause of a pretty stuff nose. That is why this nasal inhaler has been a lifesaver. Any blockage in your nose can be immediately fixed with this inhaler. http://www.olbas.com
Hawaiian Essential Oils For Insomnia and Headache Relief
Probably the most experimental of this package, these oils contain natural herbal oil like lavender, peppermint, rosemary, sage and more. The instructions say to spray the oils on your wrists and inhale or on your pillow and it should provide relief. I haven’t personally received a real reaction from it, but hey if nothing else it smells good. http://hawaiianessential.com/product/insomnia-relief/