Check out our student resume template to help you get started
Not sure where to begin when creating a resume? Start by following our college resume template examples. If you still finding yourself lost, even after viewing our student resume template articles? Then let us help you get started with these free college resume template examples.
It’s best to know the different parts of a resume before you dive head first into writing one.
College resume template- Header
The header lists your name, address, phone number and email. This should be displayed prominently at the top of your resume. Ideally, your name should be in a larger font than the rest of your contact information. You’ll also want to make sure that the phone number you list is the best and most convenient way to reach you. Also, your email should be professional. If it’s along the lines of iluvbingedrinking@aol.com or hotmail@hotmail.com, change it. You want potential employers to take you seriously.
College resume template- Objective Statement
If you decide to use an objective statement in your resume, then it should come directly under your header. Tailor your objective statement to the company and position you are applying for. Too general objective statements are unattractive to employers. They want to see that you actually invested some time into your application.
College resume template- Education
As a recent graduate or one who is about to graduate, you are most likely lacking any real form of professional experience. Highlight any achievements from your education. If you had an impressive GPA, were on the Dean’s List, received any type of award, you want to list these on your resume. Accolades such as these tell employers that you took your education seriously and that you will do the same with their company if hired.
College resume template- Experience
While you may have little to no professional experience, highlight tasks in your work history that have benefited your previous employers. Again, if a company sees that you were able to increase productivity or find a more efficient way of completing a task, then they will be more likely to give your application further consideration.
College resume template- Skills
All too often people don’t list their skills on their resume, and this is a big mistake. Employers want to know if you are well-versed in a piece of software or understand how to use certain equipment. Showing that you already have a basic or advanced understanding of something lets companies know that they won’t have to waste time and resources on further training.
Check out these templates below and get your job search started on the right foot!
College resume template – accounting: accounting student resume_template.doc
College resume template – graphic design: graphic_student resume_template.doc