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Denver, CO Transforms into Foodie Paradise in February

Reka Forgach

Downtown Denver should be every foodie's destination this February

February 23-March 8 sees Denver celebrating their annual world’s biggest restaurant week

Denver continues to live up to its title as reigning restaurant-week champion, as they release this year’s list of 300+ participating restaurants.  This year’s eating bonanza continues in the tradition of past food weeks in Colorado’s capital, where the town’s top restaurants offer a delicious meal for two at the prix fixe of $52.80 per couple and $26.40 for the solo diner (read: diehard foodie).

Needless to say, if I was put in any Denver citizen visitor’s shoes, my emotions might take the course of: delighted, daunted, analytic.  Such an incredible opportunity cannot simply be exploited in bacchanalian fashion, so remember kids, be smart, plan ahead.  For all of your Denver dining needs over the two-week course, Opentable.com has created a comprehensive survey of participating restaurants, complete with hundreds of customer reviews and immediate reservation options.  In light of the happiness this event will cause Denverians and other lucky tourists, a suggestion would be to begin reserving your cheap gourmet meals ASAP.

Justin Bresler with VISIT DENVER, of the Convention and Visitor’s Bureau has also thrown foodies some morsels regarding what will and will not be included in the package.  While details vary from restaurant to restaurant, keep in mind that tax and gratuity will be added extra across the board.  Furthermore, Denver liquor and wine stores also hope to get a cut out of the increased restaurant traffic, as not all meals include appropriate libations – which, in this writer’s opinion, is a make it or break it factor over the course of any fine meal.  Because of the great price, don’t be afraid to splurge and help out Denver’s economy and restaurant scene this February.  Splurge and quench your epicuriosity with top-notch Cajun, Italian, American, you-name-

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