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Eat Italian with Mary Giuliani

David Morales

Eat Italian

Celebrity caterer of the stars Mary Giuliani shares some tips in Italian cuisine right from the heart of Italy. From fashion to entertainment sets, Giuliani’s clients can count on her traditional up bringing to inspire the flavors produced from her renowned catering services. Now Giuliani shares her skills with College News magazine in a one to one about what it means to live Italian and what it takes to get those exquisite flavors that go into Italian cooking and dining. How about an ice cream sandwich or breadsticks served with eggplant caponata? You can check out the details in out short satellite presentation and get a taste of Italy in your home this spring.

COLLEGE NEWS: What does it mean to live Italian?
It means to have fun and enjoy preparing and sharing food with people that you love. It’s easy David! If you want to have friends over and have a good time. I could tell you some easy ways to do that.

CN: How did growing up Italian shape the kind of cook you are today?
I was lucky that I had my Italian grandparents live in my home with me growing up. So, Saturdays in my house were all about preparing and cooking for Sunday. I learned how to make great meatballs and great sauces with artichoke. I also learned how much fun it could be to start buying the food to prepare and sharing the food. So, that was the biggest gift that I take now into my catering and into my own home-entertaining. It was a great lesson.

CN: What are some easy ways we can incorporate the Italian life into our daily meals?
Okay, well I am all about shortcuts and making something look pretty, that’s simple. So, I found this great product from one of the best bakeries in Italy. They now offer products here. They are called Milano Bianco! They make great breadsticks. So I like to do what I call a “breadstick bar”. It’s easy! First you dump a bunch of bread sticks into a bowl and then you have all sorts of guacamole, hummus, eggplant caponata and roasted tomatoes. It’s all pre-bought, prepackaged and/or homemade if you have the time. And your guests come over, it’s visually pretty and they could make a hearty plate—dip the bread sticks into all different toppings, and it’s a great way to get full without, you know, sweating in the kitchen all day.

CN: Any tips for throwing an Italian-themed dinner party?
I think it’s just about using all those great ingredients or great products that you can incorporate that have that authentic taste and feel of Italy. So, an easy way to make an impression—I say you only get one chance to make a lasting impression at a party—is to make dessert. So fortunately, these Molina Bianco cookies are great and are pretty. They’re all different assorted flavors, shapes sizes, colors and I just put those out on some beautiful cake stands. Then how about this, make your own ice cream sandwiches! So, I put different ice cream out and different toppings so like caramel sauce, chocolate sauce, sprinkles. My guests come over, they grab a few cookies, throw a little ice cream, dip it in some chocolate sauce, they’re having fun, you’re enjoying their time, they’re taking pictures, they’re Instagramming, it’s a great party! So it’s a great way to make something simple very special and that’s wonderful.

CN: So, where can we go for more information?
You could go to milanobianco.com these breadsticks and cookies are available in most grocery stores, in the United States and in the international aisle.

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