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Election 2012 drawing to a close

Jill Treacy

The election of 2012 finally sees voting day

It’s been a long campaign and now it’s time for the voters, swing states and Electoral College to shine


The election of 2012 has finally been brought into perspective as the next president of the United States rests in the hands of voters. What is being called the closest race in nearly seven decades, the 2012 election has been long, costly and, to be honest, somewhat taxing on Americans. But none the less important, as lines of convicted voters took their final say to the polls Tuesday for Election Day 2012.

Even after $2 billion in campaigning, exhausting television ads and the not-so-tame debates, the presidential election 2012 seems so innocent with just the voters and their ballots. This year has reportedly seen a record high voter turnout, with lines forming even before dawn. Many waited an hour or longer in line to vote in the 2012 election and officials worried that polling stations were going to run out of surveys. Polling stations in New York and New Jersey had been relocated due to Hurricane Sandy’s damage and some New Jersey voters are being given the option of mailing, faxing or emailing in their ballots.

Going into Election Day 2012, the polls had Obama leading the way to electoral votes, but there are definite options for Republican candidate Mitt Romney. The Electoral College has Obama for a second term after the election of 2012, but the “swing states” are inevitably going to determine who the next president will be. To win that second term, Obama will need the votes from Ohio, Wisconsin and Iowa. However, if Romney takes Ohio, he would have a chance at the next presidency. If Obama wins Virginia, another major swing state, then Romney would need Ohio to keep in the running.

Needless to say, the election for 2012 is a rough and intricate race without a clear outcome. Will you be watching the election polls tonight?

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