Remedy Lending is a community membership based organization that helps students and other individuals find the best rates and products within the financial marketplace. We understand that there are many predatory lenders out there that don’t have your best interest in mind. There are so many additional options to help with planning, saving and getting you ready for college. College preparation and success can be overwhelming so let us take some of the stress out of the process. Do you know where you are headed once you graduate? Are you properly investing and saving for your future? Remedy Lending knows your time is valuable and becoming a member gives you the top sites for important choices you make every day. Are you aware of the many college readiness courses, grants, scholarships and work based incentive programs? Can you use extra cash to assist with paying bills? Do you want to find the best deals and savings? Do you need to find auto, rental or life insurance? Remedy Lending will guide you through all these aspects of life and simplify it. Instead of navigating through the internet jungle, let our Remedy Partners do the work for you. Don’t waste your time doing endless hours of internet surfing.
What makes us different? We help our members earn $$ by providing referral opportunities. We want to build our community and have you benefit by helping. Think of this an employment opportunity. Refer just five paid members and you receive $225 in your bill pay account that goes towards paying any valid bill of your choice. What will you do with this extra income? If you want to earn more money, refer more than five paid members. We will give you an additional $10 for every paid member that you refer as long as you are a member.
You can get a membership for only $45 per year. This is truly the best membership to improve every aspect of your future. “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel,” Maya Angelou. Since we give back to our members, it is important for us to charge a nominal fee so we can constantly improve our services and gifts. We want our members to have the ultimate experience and offer services that continuously grow.
What other benefit does our membership offer? Payment Made is a gift incentive program designed to pay your bills. By becoming a member, you are eligible to receive a gift of $100, $150 or $225 to be applied to a bill of your choice.
We understand how it feels to struggle and the fact that many people are living paycheck to paycheck. This is something that you can overcome. Remedy Lending wants to educate you and provide the financial tools and services to improve your financial health.
Remedy Lending will have special deals that are available to Members Only. These deals will keep growing and provide an additional source of savings for you. We also encourage our members to let us know what they want to see. Our company is based upon providing the best services possible. We want to keep with the trends and add to our community so we can reinvent ourselves and grow as you do. If there’s something you think we can do better, let us know. Visit us at our website.