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Elizabeth Warren ‘making a case’ for liberals

Danielle Olipra

Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren causes a reaction, even with her clothes on

Harvard law professor and former Obama administration regulator Elizabeth Warren has caught the attention of media, both by sparring with Senator Scott Brown and making a case for liberals. Warren had expressed her disapproval of Scott Brown’s decision to pose nude 30 years ago, so he quipped back during a radio interview that it was a good thing Warren has never bared herself for us to see, sounding more like the typical turmoil of a “Real Housewives” episode than news from Washington.

But when she’s not caught up in high school spats, Warren has been blazing a trail for modern liberals with some controversial observations on the current state of our economy. Warren, currently running for the U.S. Senate in Massachusetts, made a “declaration heard ‘round the Internet world’, says the Washington Post when she said “there is no one in this country who got rich on his own.” This straightforward response to the nation’s current debate over taxing has some frightened that she may actually have a case for liberals.

Her statement implies that no one should call themselves self-made because everyone is part of society. She continued to repeat that “the rest of us” have paid for the taxes and education that made it possible for the successful to become successful. So, in turn, the wealthy and thriving owe something back to the government and the people. Yes, it sounds like a watered-down punk rock chant of “tax the rich,” but now that someone of influence has stated it, more traditional jaws are dropping over liberals actually having valid arguments. Only time will tell if she will continue to gain support, or if she’ll steer clear of more “Housewives” drama.

Read more about Warren’s recent statements here.

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