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Ending your abusive relationship

Janelle Vreeland

The safe way to end an abusive relationship

So, you’ve determined that you are in an abusive relationship, and you have decided that you need to end it. Now you’re wondering what your next step should be. Thankfully, Love is Respect has your best interests in mind and knows how to keep you safe while ending your abusive relationship.

Breaking up in person can be very difficult in a normal relationship, but when it is an abusive relationship it can be extremely dangerous to break up in person. If you fear that your partner may injure you or threaten you, then put some distance between you by breaking up over the phone or by text or Email. If you do break up in person, don’t go by yourself. Make sure you’re in a public place with help nearby and always keep your cell phone at hand.

Also keep your friends, roommates, parents, etc. up-to-date on the situation. Let them know that it was an abusive relationship, that you broke up and that you want nothing to do with your ex. Also, if you fear for your safety, let your R.A. and roommates know so that they can keep you company and so that you won’t have to be left alone with your ex if he/she shows up.

If you feel threatened or that you are in danger, be sure to call for help right away. Call 911 for any emergencies or, if possible, get to a safe place and call the National Dating Abuse Helpline at 1-866-331-9474, they will be able to advise you and contact help in your area

Remember, choosing to end your abusive relationship doesn’t have to be something you do alone. And if you have a friend in an abusive relationship, make sure they know they have your support.

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