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Epic Proportions Tour brings you along for the rockstar experience

Editorial Staff

Win a chance to party with the “Epic Proportions Tour” bands!

The Epic Proportions Tour is launching another round of college concerts this year and bringing their unique stage show and tour bus to campuses all across the country. 

“What’s the Epic Proportions Tour?” I had the same question so I reached out to them and got to talk with one of their artists, Gabe Kubanda (who happens to be the owner too!)  Gabe worked with me to bring the show to my school.  He even introduced me to the hot lead singer of Halocene and I got to hang with the bands.  It was such a cool experience and now I’m friends with all of them! The bands were so nice and they would take photos with me, sign the cds, and give out free merchandise. They actually spent time talking to me after the show, which was beyond nice. Talk about real, down-to-earth rockstars and a memory for life! 

I can’t speak highly enough about their performances. You definitely want this show at your own college campus!

After I came back from hanging out at the show, I stalked them a bit (#sorrynotsorry) and found out that they’re actually pretty popular!   They’ve been on Vans Warped Tour, several TV shows that I know you’ve probably seen on VH1, MTV, and NBC. They’ve performed with some of my idols like Blink 182, Fall Out Boy, Flogging Molly and Jimmy Eat World.  The best part is, even though they’ve accomplished so much they still let me hang out with them on their tour bus!

My school had a lame budget for live entertainment but the EPT show is super affordable. When I approached my student programming board they actually were surprised at how inexpensive the show was even though they bring 3 bands, a full sound system, and crew! 

Before I knew it, I had the tour booked at my school.  It was so easy to do and you can too!

Just email:  CollegeShows@EpicProportionsTour.com and you’ll have a rocking concert at your school!

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