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Free 'Angry Birds Space' content coming for Samsung Galaxy owners

Jason Evangelho

The Samsung GALAXY Note

Samsung offers up 30 ‘Danger Zone’ levels for all Samsung Galaxy users

It’s safe to say that everyone — from grandmothers to hardcore gamers — has some level of anticipation for “Angry Birds Space,” the next entry in Rovio’s ridiculously popular franchise. At SXSW, Samsung recently announced a partnership with the game developers to offer up a ton of free content to all Samsung GALAXY users. 

The promotion is in conjunction with the launch of Samsung’s hybrid phone/tablet the GALAXY Note, which sports a gorgeous 5.3″ screen and dual-core processor. 

According to our contact at Samsung, owners of any GALAXY product will receive an exclusive level inside “Angry Birds Space,” in addition to the “Danger Zone” content pack — 30 challenging levels which would normally be an in-app purchase — for free. The content will become available automatically when “Angry Birds Space” launches (pun intended) on March 22, 2012. 

Stay tuned to College News Magazine for our hands-on impressions of the Samsung GALAXY Note, and best of luck smashing up those space pigs!


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