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Galaxy Foams to debut Friday

Editorial Staff

Galaxy Foams to hit the market Friday

But, the new Nike kicks won’t be sold online

Nike’s latest shoes the Galaxy Foamposites make their way to the public Feb. 24, but Nike tweeted that they will not be selling the Galaxy Foams online. The shoe is being released in a limited quantity, and it’s causing quite a stir online. Twitter users have been bombarding feeds with negative reactions, given the new Galaxy Foams sparsity.

“I don’t understand the concept of selling a sneaker so limited its not even available on your own site. Nike is bugging,” one user tweeted.

Though, others so are desperate to get their hands on, or feet in, a pair of Galaxy Foams that lines have already started forming outside of Nike stores.

Message boards have rumored that the shoe could sell from anywhere between $250 to $1000.

A man from New York was so desperate for a pair of the coveted Galaxy Foams that he actually posted a Craigslist ad, offering to trade his car for a pair.

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