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George Zimmerman faces charges

Jalesa Hall

George Zimmerman mugshot

The office of the prosecutor behind the Trayvon Martin case will be announcing George Zimmerman’s charges Wednesday at 6 p.m ET.

The prosecutor in the Trayvon Martin case will be announcing on Wednesday the criminal charges against George Zimmerman, according what a law enforcement official told NBC News.

The nature of the charges are still unknown, but because Angela Corey, the prosecutor who was appointed by the governor of Florida Rick Scott, was selected to handle the case, first-degree murder is not an option because of her decision to not take the case to a grand jury.

Corey’s office announced that a news conference would be held 6p.m ET in Jacksonsville, FL.

The story of Trayvon Martin’s sudden death is not unknown to many in America.  Since his shooting on February 26, there has been an outcry for law enforcement officials to do something about the case.

Initially, police brought Zimmerman in for questioning after he alleged shot Martin in self-defense, but chose not to press charges. 

Not arresting Zimmerman fueled a national outcry and many critics believe Zimmerman’s reasoning behind the shooting was race-related. Supporters of the 28-year old feel differently.

Tracy Martin, Trayvon’s father, is glad to finally hear about Corey’s announcement.
Martin said, “It’s 44 days later and George Zimmerman is still walking free. It’s 44 days later and my son is in a mausoleum.”

To prevent problems, Benjamin Crump, the attorney for Martin’s parents, wants people to “remain peaceful” after the announcement.

Sybrina Fulton, Trayvon’s mother, told the Associated Press that the announcement of Zimmerman finally getting charged would help her start the healing process.

Zimmerman’s lawyers said Tuesday that they had lost contact with their client and were withdrawing from the case.

The Justice Department has begun conducting their own federal civil rights investigation. According to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, the department is carrying out its “own thorough and parallel investigation” to sort out the case “in as fair and complete a way and as quickly as we can.”

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