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Google Drive makes updates to its new 2.2 version

Jess Smith

Google Drive has updated to its 2.2 version

Google’s cloud storage app can now sort files

Google Drive has gotten some much needed updates to its system. The cloud storage app, which is perfect for editing and creating documents on the go, has added two new features to its iOS version, which is now being called version 2.2. Finally, users can now sort their files by tapping the “sort” button and arranging them either by title or last added.

In addition to this nice little update is that you will able to find and replace parts of your word documents in the “Documents” section. This will allow you to search for a particular series of words or sentences in the document and this feature will find it for you, so you can make changes.

Google also said that they improved the ability and speed of Google Drive by doing some “under the hood and usability improvements.

Google Drive is an app that is available for all Apple mobile devices and is offered to free with up to 15 GB of free storage space. For additional storage space, you would have to pay 5$ for every 100 GB, and the app offers up to 16 TB of extra storage.

The look of Google Drive has also received a makeover with a more polished look, complete with moving the “Create” button, where you can make new documents, as well as moving the “Scan” button, which can allow you to turn Google Drive documents into .pdf files.

The last update to Google Drive happened in early November and was given iOS7 support, which allowed it to transition smoothly onto the new system.

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