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Google Project Glass develops the look of the future

Brittney Elkins

Google Project Glass is developing a product that has been dubbed by many "Google Goggles." Ok, so the Google Goggles don't look like these Inuit snow goggles at all. Check out the Google Project Glass site or the YouTube video below to see what Google's product can do.

Google makes goggles look good.

Google Project Glass gives us a glimpse of the future.

The Google Project Glass concept has been revealed, and it looks a lot like something out of a futuristic sci-fi movie. Think a combination of a smart phone, visor and eyeglasses. The Google team will be developing the technology for Google Project Glass, also being called “Google Goggles” in the coming months.

Google says that Project Glass was started to build technology that allows the consumer to “explore and share” their world and to put them back in the moment.

Google Project Glass will ultimately develop a device that has the capability to display messages, chats, appointments, weather and maps—all within your field of vision. Although it is still in the early stages of development, Google Project Glass engineers are beginning to use prototypes outside of the lab.

Google employees will test the Google Goggles in the real world to determine how they can best be used. Google is also getting input from you and me.

On the Google Project Glass site, the first post stated, “We’re sharing this information now because we want to start a conversation and learn from your valuable input. Please follow along as we share some of our ideas and stories. We’d love to hear yours, too. What would you like to see from Project Glass?”

Although a release date for the final product of Google Project Glass has not been announced, tech sites have speculated that we could see Google Goggles on the streets by 2012’s end.

What do you think of Google Project Glass? Check out the video below.

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