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Haley Barbour pardons blocked by judge

Editorial Staff

Haley Barbour

Haley Barbour pardoned 208 inmates in final days as governor

A Mississippi judge has temporarily blocked the release of 21 inmates who had been pardoned or given medical release by Haley Barbour in his final days as governor.

The Christian Science Monitor reports that Circuit Judge Tomie Green issued an injunction late Wednesday.  The injuction was issued at the request of Democratic Attorney General Jim Hood who believes Barbour may have violated the state constitution by “pardoning some inmates who failed to give sufficient public notice that they were seeking to have their records cleared.”

Barbour said on Wednesday that of the 200 inmates her pardoned, 189 inmates had already completed their incarceration. Most received full pardons, while others recived suspended sentences due to medical conditions.

Barbour stated, “The pardons were intended to allow them to find gainful employment or acquire professional licenses as well as hunt and vote. My decision about clemency was based upon the recommendation of the Parole Board in more than 90 percent of the cases.”

Read more about Haley Barbour here.

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