Harold Camping says October 21st will mark the apocalypse
Harold Camping may have gotten the date wrong back when he said the world would end in May, but now he’s saying the world will really end on Friday, October 21.
LiveScience reports that Camping is asserting the world will end “quietly” this Friday. Camping maintains that May 21 was still a spiritual Judgment Day and Friday will be the logical end.
Camping has said that God left all churches in 1988 and that Satan has since ruled those institutions.
Camping, 90, suffered a stroke in June, and many believe that these apocalyptic predictions reflect Camping’s struggle with his own mortality.
“I would not be surprised to discover that Mr. Camping sees this prediction as his life’s work, the culmination of decades of intensive Bible study, filtered through the sieve of faith,” said Lorenzo DiTommaso, professor of religion at Concordia University in Montreal. “If this is correct, then perhaps he sees in the world a reflection of his self.”
You can read more about Harold Camping’s apocalyptic prediction, and criticism of it, here.