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The Home STD Test: 5 Massive Myths

Editorial Staff

Recent reports from the Center of Disease Control (CDC) show STDs are on the rise. With one in four college students currently having a sexually transmitted disease (STD), the need for regular testing on campus is now at an all-time high.

The stigma is real. Many students are hesitant to visit campus clinics with the thought of sitting in a waiting room among fellow classmates – unnerving. Additionally, the idea of being asked to share one’s sexual history with a stranger can understandably be just as uncomfortable.

This has led an increased number of university residents to seek alternate methods of testing that provide greater privacy. Conveniently, it’s easier than ever to screen yourself for many sexually transmitted infections now with a simple home STD test discretely mailed to your door.

Research has shown these at-home tests are doing a great job at encouraging more people to get screened. Yet, as with most things, there are skeptics. Let’s take a look together at many of the myths and misconceptions regarding home STD testing today.


At-Home Testing Isn’t Reliable

When you finish your home STD test and mail the sample in for screening, you can feel confident knowing the accuracy of your results is high caliber. (Make sure to look for a company with an accredited team of scientists and technologists who have been certified in all 50 states.)


It Takes Forever To Get Your Results Back

The faster you get your test results back, the better. It’s natural to have a little bit of nervousness after submitting your sample, and if you’re like most people, you’ll want to know your status as soon as possible. Rest assured, results are sent back quickly with samples processed in only one to five days after being received.

MYTH #3: (FALSE)    

Getting Tested At Home Must Be Expensive

The cost of an at-home STD test is quite comparable with the price of going to a clinic. Don’t forget to account for indirect costs related to the time and effort it takes to get there (missing class, getting gas, etc.). Typically, discounted prices are also offered on packages that include a full suite of tests.

MYTH #4: (FALSE)    

Testing Yourself Can Be Painfully Difficult

Testing yourself at home can actually be as simple as a minor pin prick on your finger and quick urine sample. Follow a few easy instructions and you’re good to go in just minutes. (Make sure the product you choose is backed by a diligent support team standing by to answer any questions you may have.)


At-Home Testing Is Less Confidential

Campus clinics are known to keep your medical records on hand for years. With private at-home testing, you’re able to delete files at your discretion.

Starting The Conversation on STDs

Health professionals recommend speaking with your partner about getting tested sooner rather than later. Often enough though, it can be difficult to broach the subject with a boyfriend or girlfriend. Below are a couple of ideas on how to get the conversation going:

  • Suggest you both get tested together instead of asking your partner if they’ve been tested to make it feel like more of a collaboration, rather than an accusation.
  • Share an article on the subjects that you read with your partner and let them see for themselves exactly how high the statistics of infection are today.

Nearly 20 million new sexually transmitted diseases are contracted every year. Research shows that over half those cases are spread by younger adults below the age of 24. Students getting tested, and staying tested, has never been more important with the rising STD epidemic on campuses today.

Private iDNA is a leading at-home STD test that is simple to order online at college campuses nationwide; it’s CLIA/CAP accredited and certified in all 50 states with testing conducted in a state-of-the-art dynamic infectious disease laboratory. The mission behind the company is to increase screening rates by making it easier for people to get tested on their own time and their own terms.

For additional information on Private iDNA, you can learn more about the product and read some frequently asked questions at privateidna.com.

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