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How to write a resume for students

Janelle Vreeland

Key tips on how to write a resume

Here is our overview on how to write a resume for students just like you: A resume is, essentially, a paper that expresses the qualities and skills you have obtained that make you qualified for a job. Resumes can either make or break you. They can be either the ticket that gets you a job interview or the ticket to the discard pile. How do you write a resume? What makes some resume better than others?  What should you include in a resume and what should you leave out?

Keep it one page

There are basic guidelines on how to write a resume for students. If resumes are the paper version of you, remember nobody likes a non-stop talker. So, keep your resume no longer than a page. People don’t like flashy “look at me” appearances, so stick to white paper and black Times New Roman font.

Change objective statement according to job

When learning how to write a resume for students, you should know that the first piece of information on a resume is your objective statement. This is the first thing a potential employer will look at so make it count. When learning how to write a resume, make sure your objective statement includes two to three sentences describing your strongest skills and traits. Students should tailor the objective statements differently for each job application depending on what that company needs.

List relevant courses

When learning how to write a resume, students shouldn’t ignore the education and experience fields. These sections are basic, but they are good for displaying the skills you have obtained through part-time jobs, internships and school. When you include the school you attended, make sure to include any classes that may be relevant to the particular job.

List any experience

With and resume for students you should know that the experience section is where you make yourself stand out from competition by stating what you’ve done that corresponds to what the potential employer wants- whether it was at an internship, work study or even through volunteer work. No job is too medial to mention.

Resumes for students should be concise but also highlight the attributes that qualify you for the job you want. When learning how write a resume, students should take time to perfect it and have another person review it to make sure you didn’t make a silly spelling mistake and everything is just right.

Now that you know how to write a resume for studnets, go write that resume and get the job of your dreams!

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