Sponsored Editorial
Introducing Oui Juice and The Health Benefits of Juicing For Your Body
Anetha Sivananthan

The chronicle of Oui Juice and Owner/Founder Hassan McCullough dates back to 1999, consequently, it is also the year he began training as a profession.
He is known to be a giver by nature. At this juncture in his life, he was attending nursing school in an effort to provide care for those, whom were unable to care for themselves. Amazingly, he found nursing to be a high stress occupation. As a result and to relieve stress, Hassan worked out daily at the gym after class. Ultimately, he learned what was needed comprised of a healthy balance of training the mind and the body alike. Noticeably, while working out, he witnessed many trainers with their clients in the gym. As a former division I football and track athlete, he understood himself to be in better shape than those doing the training. Why is that important, one may ask, well Hassan believed his most valued resource to be his body, which ultimately served as his temple as well as his best business card.
Securing Client Trust
In the meantime, he realized nursing was not his calling. Yet, he recognized his passion suggested he remain in an area inclined to help people. Then, he decided to partake in an activity he had participated and excelled in since age 5, he pursued a career in training. As with any true professional, Hassan achieved the necessary certifications needed to be the best trainer while providing the best service to his clients in an effort to help people so inclined to become the best version of themselves. Hassan garnered major experience afforded by Bally’s and followed by 24 Hour Fitness. In learning the interworking of “fit” life, Hassan came to understand the business aspect of what it takes to foster successful clients. He then knew it was time to go private!
In training people, Hassan learned, the relationships fostered grow to be intimate between client and trainer. As a collegiate athlete, Hassan believed that was the missing element. In conversing with his clients, he has come to know his clients trust his word. More importantly, he has conveyed with the proper intake of fruits and vegetables success will be paramount to sustaining a healthy lifestyle. Training without a proper diet is equivalent to “spinning ones wheels.” You go nowhere fast!
As a colligate athlete and now as a trainer, Hassan has observed many athletes and clients alike unaware of the correct food to stay healthy, strong, and provide right kind of energy necessary to maintain and elevate a healthy lifestyle. Seemingly, even when drinking a “healthy” smoothie, it’s usually more fruit-based and has a high concentration of processed sweeteners to make it palatable.
The Mission
For Hassan, a concept was born! He believed, he could enhance the physical lives of his clients while providing a holistic service for others in making healthy juices, full of fruits and vegetables that would also taste great. The mission and vision was set. He immersed himself in books regarding the basics of juicing. He studied and concocted different mixtures at home. In no time, he began noticing changes—his food tasted better, his skin looked healthier, and he had more energy. Finally, he knew he had a product he could share with others.
At the onset, he provided juices to his clients after training sessions to serve as a source of recovery. He would learn the juices were well received. Then his clients began referring the juices to their friends and family for purchase and consumption, it was then, he knew he had a good product. Oui Juice was born! For the past ten years, helping people get healthy and feel great while serving a real nutritional need coupled with a product the owner stands by has led to high praise and continue promise from the client base.
So, Why Juice?
Well, according the Centers for Disease Control, less than 10% of Americans eat enough fruits and vegetables each day (cdc.gov). More importantly, 90% of the remaining population is at greater risk for chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, some cancers, and obesity. Incorporating a juicing regiment helps to meet 7-9 servings of fruits and vegetables each day. In turn, greater energy, weight loss, pH balance, immunity to illness, healthy skin, and productive digestion will be achieved as well as aiding in detoxification, recovery, and hydration.
Hassan and his clients alike have come to know juicing is a delicious alternative to a healthy life and meal replacement. When Hassan started juicing, he noticed changes right away. He had the energy of a young man and it felt great. One of the many aspects of juicing allows the body to know it is getting the proper fuel needed without having to eat poultry. At 45 years of age, Hassan is in the best shape of his life—he runs daily, he lifts weights, he operate two successful businesses, he is never sick, and he looks and feels great! If you’re looking for results like these, Hassan has a great juicing program for you–from weight loss to detox, from energy boosting to immunity boosting—whatever you’re looking for, you will find it in Oui Juice.
Created by a certified sports and fitness trainer, Oui Juice is designed to enhance your diet and exercise program for superior results. Our mission is to provide a way to incorporate healthy choices into daily life in a way that is enjoyable, nutritious, and suited to each individual.
Visit Ouijuice.com to start your health journey, now!