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It's in the humps! Princess the camel predicts super bowl win

Iesha Pompey

Princess predicts Ravens will win 2013 super bowl.

The Baltimore Ravens may have to come up with a hump back dance if Princess’ prediction is correct.

Hardcore fans will go to some pretty drastic extremes for their favorite teams. What used to be face painting and ‘big finger’ waving fun has turned into full on fights and pistol whipping flat screens. Thankfully we have physic animals keeping the piece with their 2013 predictions.

This year’s pick for future telling is Princess, a 26-year-old Bactrian camel at Popcorn Zoo in Lacey Township, New Jersey. According to Princess, a well known psychic camel, the Baltimore Ravens will take home the Vince Lombardi trophy on February 3rd. If she’s right, she’ll have a 7 and 1 track record which makes her more credible than many sport commentators.

The method to this camel’s madness? Graham crackers. John Bergmann, the general manager at Popcorn Zoo, says the camel chooses the winner from a palm of graham crackers according to ABCNews.com.

One of the two playing teams is written on the palm of each hand in magic marker. The palms are then covered with a graham cracker. The graham cracker Princess eats first reveals the name of the future winning team and this year, it’s the Baltimore Ravens.

To be fair, Princess did choose the 49ers to win the game they won yesterday. Already, 49er fans are making jokes about camel recipes and comparing the Princess to Paul the octopus who they feel would’ve sided with them if he were still alive. Sorry 49ers fans. This one’s in the humps!

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