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Josh Hutcherson's nude photos hit the web

David Batka

This duo can't help but bare it all

Hunger Games star easily identified by anchor tattoo

Josh Hutcherson, star of mega-franchise “The Hunger Games” has found himself embroiled in a nude photo and video scandal. Josh Hutcherson, 20, signed himself up for an online dating website under the name “Connor” and began sharing explicit photos and videos with women.

Josh Hutcherson, apparently identifiable by the tattoo on his hip (which can clearly be seen in the photos and videos), sent the racy material shortly before “The Hunger Games” made him world-famous. Regardless, one would think that he’d have used common sense and not gotten all porntastic as there was no doubt that “The Hunger Games” was going to be a box office success.

Josh Hutcherson is no stranger to the fallout and backlash of a nude photo scandal. He dated “High School Musical” star Vanessa Hudgens shortly after her infamous and totally illegal nude photo scandal (Hudgens was underage at the time that she sent the photos to then boyfriend and co-star Zac Efron) that left a blemish on Disney’s child-friendly reputation. Hutcherson obviously didn’t learn any lessons from that experience and decided to plow full-speed ahead into his own scandal.

When Hutcherson’s reps were contacted to verify the legitimacy of the photos, reporters were threatened with legal action. The unnamed woman who was on the receiving end up the heartthrob’s lurid images has already released one photo and intends to release the videos (if the price is right, of course).  “Catching Fire” is due to hit theaters in November, and while it’s already guaranteed to be a box office smash, this scandal will no doubt incite a fan-girl frenzy to see the beloved Peeta in such a compromising position.

So far neither Josh Hutcherson nor his reps have released an official statement.

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