Celebrity News
Kim Kardashian wants to freeze her eggs and nude Twitter rumors circulate
Editorial Staff

Waiting for the perfect man
Kim Kardashian has been making quite a stir in media lately. Kardashian is currently making headlines for her comment about being willing to freeze her eggs until she finds the right man to father her children.
The Belfast Telegraph reports that Kim Kardashian, now 31-years-old, had previously thought that she would have been married with kids by the time she turned 30, but the reality TV star has no revamped her priorities. .
In an interview with Vanity Fair, Kim Kardashian stated, “I’d like to have a family, but I don’t want a child before I’m 35. If I’m single, then I can adopt or freeze my eggs.”
She did marry Kris Humphries, power forward for the New Jersey Nets, back in August of last year, but the marriage only lasted 72 hours with the couple filing for divorce on Oct. 31 of the same year.
“I learned to slow down a little bit in my romantic relationships from the divorce. It has been very hard to cope with it in front of the cameras, but I took a break of four months,” Kim Kardashian added in the Vanity Fair interview, “I went to stay at my mother’s house and I reflected a lot. I’ve read lot of lies, like that I earned $20 million from my marriage.”
A supposed photo of Kim Kardashian has also been making its way around the Internet. The photo pictures the backside of a vivacious tan brunette woman, sitting naked in a bed eating. The photo was uploaded to Kim’s current boyfriend’s, Kanye West, Twitter account earlier this week.
Both Kim Kardashian and Kanye deny that had anything to do with the photo, and Kanye West’s people claim that the rapper’s Twitter account must have been hacked.
Former adult film star Amia Miley has stepped forward, stating that the nude photo is here and not Kim Kardashian.
“I took the photo, like, a couple years ago . . . in London,” Miley told TMZ. “Not Kanye West’s hotel room.”
Miley stated that if you look at the photo closely, two small former piercing can been seen on the lower part of her back, adding that Kim doesn’t have this area pierced and never has.
Miley even lifted her shirt for TMZ to prove that she did in fact have the piercings at one time, and when asked about how the photo came about, she shrugged, stating, “That’s how I like to eat breakfast.”
Miley left the adult film business sometime ago and claims that the photo has no ruined any hopes she has of furthering dreams of a future career.
“Since I quit doing adult [films] I was planning on becoming a school teacher,” Miley said. “Now that this photo has leaked, my dreams are over.”