At a event Thrusday promoting her new perfume, Kim Kardashian was hit with a bag of flour.
Isn’t flour’s for baking, not throwing at celebrities.
At a launch party in West Hollywood, Kim Kardashian was pelted with an entire bag of flour, according to E! Online.
While the flour left Kardashian’s black blazer covered in flour, the reality star was not extremely upset about the situation.
Kardashian said, “That probably is the craziest, unexpected, weird thing that ever happened to me. Like I said to my makeup artist, I wanted more powder and that’s a whole lot of translucent power right now.”
Kardashian reportedly laughed the situation off.
Kris Jenner told E! Online, “if anybody comes at me with something, call security.”
Though sisters, Khloe and Kourtney were not at the event, they later tweeted in support of their flour-bombed sister.
Khloe tweeted, “I wish I was with my sister tonight. I bet you that woman wouldn’t have dared tried a thing…”
Kourtney tweeted, “Classy to flour bomb my sister at her charity event helping women. I wonder if they would have dared thrown the flour at my hormonal and pregnant self!”
The woman, who is un-identified, attempted to run away after the incident but was caught by Kardashian’s rep. According to the Los Angeles County Sherriff’s Department press release, Kardashian will not be pressing charges but a non-criminal battery report was filed.
The woman has since then been released. The motives behind the woman’s flour bomb are unclear now, but it might have something to do with fur.
Kardashian got cleaned up after the incident and returned back to the red carpet around 10 minutes later.
Kardashian was promoting her new fragrance True Reflection, which will be available this month.