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Krystle Campbell, Boston Marathon bombing victim, honored and remembered

Meredith Dobes

Krystle Campbell, 29, was killed in the bombings at the Boston Marathon. Tuesday afternoon, she was mourned by family and friends at the Campbell’s home in Medford, near Boston.

Campbell was on Boylston Street near the marathon’s finish line with her friend Karen. Krystle and Karen were on the ground next to each other after the bombs exploded, and on the way to Massachusetts General Hospital, their names were mixed up.

Campbell’s father, William Campbell Jr., was told his daughter was seriously injured and could lose a leg, but when he went into Campbell’s room, he saw Karen, not Krystle. He told Newsday that Campbell had gone to the marathon to support and take pictures of a friend’s boyfriend as he crossed the finish line.

Campbell was a general manager and catering manager at the Jasper White Summer Shack restaurants. Her family said she put in 70 to 80 hours each week but still made time for family and friends.

Her grandmother called her “one of those people who always have to be doing something for somebody.”

Campbell’s mother said at a press conference, “I can’t believe this has happened. She was such a hard worker at everything she did. This doesn’t make any sense.”

Her grandmother also stressed to reporters that it is difficult to have her grandchild die before her and that no mother should have to bury her children, no matter what.

A prayer vigil is being held for Campbell tonight in Medford. Campbell was one of the first deceased victims of the bombings identified. She would have turned 30 on May 3.

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