Further proof that Pat Robertson is a crazy man
Former Republican presidential candidate, television preacher and full-on crazy man, Pat Robertson implied on “The 700 Club” Wednesday that LGBT people are determined to destroy the family and the church and state, in comparison of the modern gay movement to the illuminati’s on the French Revolutionary War.
Yup, you read that right, folks. Pat Robertson thinks that gay people are out to destroy everything middle-America stands for.
“It has been said that those who do not learn the lessons of history are doomed to live them again,” he said in footage published online by Right Wing Watch.
“You go back in history to the French Revolution, you find there was a thrust, uh, spurred by the, uh, writings of a group called the Illuminati, to destroy the family, to destroy the state, to destroy capitalism, to destroy the church,” Robertson continued, according to rawstory.com. “And it was lived out in the blood of the French Revolution.”
Robertson goes on to make an argument, a weak argument at best, about how the modern gay liberation movement compares to the illuminati of nearly three centuries ago.
“We have here a debate over same sex marriage. But is it really just about marriage? Or does it go far beyond that? They’re destroying the traditional family and building a country without God.”
So, there you have it. More class “a” wisdom from the man on whom millions of American depend for spiritual direction and showy television antics and predictions. Now doesn’t that make you feel proud to be an American?
The footage, which aired on a show called “The 700 Club” was featured Wednesday, April 17, 2013.