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Light Up That Midnight Pit Stop With ILLUMIBOWL!

Editorial Staff


Save your toes and your eyes during that annoying middle of the night bathroom break with IllumiBowl!

Whether potty training children, your roommates, or simply trying to improve your sleep quality, the IllumiBowl‘s motion sensor and beautiful toilet light has it covered! (www.IllumiBowl.com)

Every person can tell the many stories of their midnight struggles and stumbles in the bathroom. In almost every case, the story either ends with being blinded by a bright bathroom light or stubbing a toe. Some turn to nightlights to light up their bathrooms but remain limited to putting it where the outlets are. The IllumiBowl lights up the whole toilet with a soft, luminescent glow—making it easy to find and easy on the eyes. Especially on that night right before a final test or important audition, when getting the best sleep is a must, having a disruptive journey to and from the bathroom can totally ruin what could have been a good nights sleep. IllumiBowl brings fun, safety and ease to any late-night bathroom visit.

The motion-activated device uses 5mm LEDs capable of lasting for 100,000 hours of use, offering years of unique and convenient lighting. There are three dimmer settings, and 20+ light colors to choose from. The left side of the plastic housing has one small, clickable button which lets you select the color you want. The device easily attaches to your porcelain throne thanks to a one-size-fits-all, never-fall arm on the back of the housing. Because the light has a never-fall arm and attaches to a splash-proof location, it’s also easy to clean.

The creators of the IllumiBowl spent nearly a year developing this finely manufactured glowing gadget to make every late-night nature call a piece of cake! Launching originally on kickstarter, the IllumiBowl raised just about $100,00 then took the next step with their invention—making an appearance on the critically acclaimed and multi-Emmy Award-winning reality show Shark Tank and striking a deal with Kevin O’Leary. Kevin O’Leary still now assists the IllumiBowl team in expanding and bringing their amazing product to more people.

The IllumiBowl is the perfect solution to bathroom problems for all ages. Its fun, neon colors make going to the bathroom fun for kids who are potty-training, and keep toddlers from a potential accident in the dark. The IllumiBowl also keeps that annoying, bright bathroom light from having to be turned on. The one that doesn’t only temporarily blind the bathroom-goer but wakes up anyone in it’s vicinity, making the IllumiBowl great for college students living with roommates. Regardless of your age or occupation, IllumiBowl is the perfect bathroom nightlight to help turn a stubbed toe into a successful go.

Upgrade every toilet in the house by visiting www. IllumiBowl.com!

Visit https://www.IllumiBowl.com/ for more information and to order your very own IllumiBowl.

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