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Campus Living

Living on campus: Pros and cons

Janelle Vreeland

The entrance to Vann Residence Hall at Meredith College

The pros and cons of living in a dorm on campus

It can be a huge decision when choosing whether to live on campus or off. While you may be tempted to decide one way or another, it’s imperative that you weight the pros and cons of living on campus before making your final decision. Here are the pros and cons of living on campus.


  • Easier to become involved on campus
  • Access to all the resources the campus offers (computer labs, library, etc.)
  • No parent-enforced curfew
  • Living close to friends
  • Easier to be a student worker while living on campus
  • Less of a commute to class
  • Avoiding the cost of commuting to and from class every day
  • Ability to meet with professors more often or, even, at their house
  • Easier to meet with adviser, Dean of Men/Women, career planning office, etc.


  • Homesickness
  • Having to stick to a meal plan
  • Limited privacy
  • Not being able to “get away” from campus environment
  • Having to deal with roommates
  • Limited access to appliances like stoves, ovens, washers and dryers
  • Inability to enjoy short holiday breaks
  • Student housing restrictions on parties, drinking, etc.
  • Having to listen to your roommate have sex
  • Fighting for the shower and the bathroom
  • The chance of being paired with a messy or lazy roommate

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