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Long Employment Gap and Looking for Your Dream Job


Long Employment Gap and Looking for Your Dream Job

People have to take a break from work, and many people think they won’t get a job after their break. To get a job after an employment gap, the most important thing is the reason for your gap and how to present it. The Bureau of Labor Statistics suggests that around 8% of all workers have some type of gap in their employment history. Most of these gaps are between 6 months and a year. On average, people take 3 months to find a new job. This may vary depending on what kind of job you are looking for. If jobs are scarce, you may have to take longer to get a new job. You are lucky, you can get a job right away. It all depends on the kind of job you are looking for and what you can do. Always speak honestly and clearly about your work. Read on to learn more about getting a job after a break

Common Reasons for an Employment Gap

The job is in some cases a hard one to come by. At times, a person may have to take a break from the job for medical reasons, as well as personal reasons. It is important to be honest with the employer about your situation.

There are several reasons a candidate may take a break in their employment:

Personal issues: A family death, sickness, divorce, having a child, etc.

Job dissatisfaction: A person may be unhappy with the job they are doing. They may not like the people they are working with, the supervisor, the work environment, the pay, etc. You may be unhappy with the job that you are doing. If you are unhappy, you will not be able to concentrate at work and your performance will be affected. There are many reasons that a person may need to take a break in their employment.

Higher Studies: This is one of the main reasons that makes kids quit their jobs. People want to pursue higher studies. The student will need to take a break from his job so that he can concentrate and study for the entrance exams.

Family Emergencies:  Some personal losses can be significant, which may cause the candidate to have significant family obligations.

To start a business: The concept of entrepreneurship is quite appealing and challenging yet, some fail, while others succeed.

In some cases, the results of our efforts appear strange to the world and appear as unemployment.

“Why is it difficult to find a job when you’ve been out of work for a long time”?

Why is it difficult to find a job when you’ve been out of work for a long time? Many people think of a gap in employment history as a reflection of their inability to find a job.

The reality is that the reason for a gap in employment history may be due to a number of factors. The reason for this is that the job market is not the same all the time. The economy is constantly changing. Employers may be looking for specific skills or experience.

“How do I find a job after a long gap”?

When you have been out of work for a long period of time, it can be difficult to learn how to apply for a job.

You need to stay determined and focused to find a job. As you get further into your career, you’ll find that many of the people you work with are currently experiencing a job gap.

Read below, to learn how you can find a job after a long gap in employment.

Develop your skills: It’s important to stay aware of all the changes that have happened over the last few months. You can learn new professional skills and knowledge by taking an online course or reading a few professional blogs. Today, recruiters are paying attention to skill badges on LinkedIn, so try to get a certification or earn a badge.

Clear employability assessments: Companies like AMCAT, eLitmus, and MyAnatomy conduct employability assessments. If you pass one of these assessments, you will have the opportunity to apply for jobs and send your resume to recruiters. The examination pattern, as well as the syllabus, is available on their website. Do your best to prepare before the assessment to achieve your best possible score.

Participate and active in the Groups: Many people publish their job applications on the internet, as it is an easy way to find a job. You should actively search   job portals and discussion forums.

Get to know people in business and you will get referrals from them, which will lead you to know about companies.

Improve your social Reputation: You need the “social credibility” to find a new job after a gap of a few years. Today, LinkedIn and Quora are two well-known platforms that can show you the way forward. You can also add your resume to your LinkedIn profile and apply for jobs directly through the site. One of the best ways to ensure your credibility is by referring to companies you’ve worked with and recommend.

Up to Date Your Professional Document: Your resume is the first impression you give to a recruiter, so you need to work hard on building a good resume. It’s essential to include all the skills you have acquired and the courses you have completed, because this is the first opportunity you have to impress a potential employer.

Get ready for your interview: To get the job you need to know what skills and knowledge you must have and know the job requirements.

For example, finding success in programming requires knowing programming languages, understanding mathematical problems, using a computer network, and understanding and using at least one database management system.

Key Takeaways

The way to get a job after a gap in employment is through dedication and perseverance. You’ll get a job quite early in many cases.

Don’t think that if you have an employment or educational gap you can’t end up having a fruitful career.

Bio: Sabrina is a career coach and resume writer with 5+ years of professional experience. She has coached various professionals in the finance, marketing, HR, and healthcare fields to success. In addition to career coaching services, she offers resume writing guidance as well as interview preparation tips for those looking for their next opportunity.

SEE ALSO: What are the Tips for Fresh Graduates to get Hired?

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