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Maximizing Campus Resources: Getting Access To Essentials

Jennifer Dawson

Maximizing Campus Resources: Getting Access To Essentials For College

Being in college opens up a world of opportunities as it allows you to learn important skills and be exposed to diverse ideas and people. But let’s face it–college can be costly, because apart from paying tuition, you’ll also need certain tools and equipment to stay productive and make your campus life more comfortable. Most students take on side gigs or part time jobs to cover the cost of these additional expenses, and according to recent data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, nearly 78 percent of American students are working part time jobs to make ends meet. 

Indeed, finding ways to earn some income can help to make your campus life a bit easier. But did you know that you actually have access to a lot more resources than you think? Most of these are available for free or at huge discounts, and it’s just a matter of knowing where to source them. Here’s a guide to getting access to some essentials that you need for college.

Laptops and Tablets

Some campuses lend a variety of electronics and computers to enrolled students. You can borrow them for a few days or a week, but if your university has a loaner program, you can use a laptop or a tablet for the entire semester. To improve laptop retrievals and deployment efficiency, some programs do manual tracking to make sure that rented gadgets are returned, while other programs remotely lock overdue devices and erase all the data that have been saved in them. To avoid losing important files or paying huge fines, be sure to follow all the return instructions, and always be careful when using loaned equipment. Apart from laptops, you can also borrow cameras, projectors, printers, drawing tablets, microphones, and calculators from your campus IT or university library. 

If your college does not have a loaner program, try looking for equipment rental businesses near your campus and see if they offer reasonable rates on a per semester basis. If not, check if you can get discounted devices from computer and equipment stores that have partnerships with your college. As an alternative way to get a free or discounted laptop, look up community programs and nonprofits like Computers with Causes, PCs for People, Notebooks for Students, and Tech Exchange, then see if you meet their income guidelines to get a device.

Rental Bikes

Making your way around a campus town can be a challenge if you don’t have a means of transport. Some students choose to bring a car with them to college as it makes getting around a lot more convenient. However, many end up regretting their decision once they learn about the exorbitant parking fees that they have to pay in exchange for this convenience. According to recent data, parking fees range from $40 per semester at community colleges to over $600 per year in certain institutions

To have one less expense to worry about, consider renting a bike from your university or college. Some institutions have bike share programs which allow you to borrow bikes at various points around the campus. Most of these programs are free for students, while others have membership fees that cost only about $20 per year. Certain universities also offer amenities such as bicycle parking, repair stations, and e-bike charging stations to encourage students to use healthier and cheaper transportation options.

Study Spaces and Resources

If you’re living in a student housing building that is built near a busy street, or sharing a room with a rowdy or messy room mate, then you’re aware that your dorm room is probably not the best place to study. A lot of students choose to go to coffee shops to read or work on papers, but the cost of all those cups of overpriced java can add up. Instead of heading to the cafe, find a place on campus where you can learn and be productive. 

The college library is one of the best places that you can go if you need to complete a paper since it has free access to exclusive databases or information that you may need. If you need a quiet place to prepare for an exam, head to any of the study spaces on campus since they’re equipped with comfy chairs and tables, and some spaces will also give you access to a computer and printer. Certain spaces are even built for collaborative work so you and your classmates can work efficiently on a group project, while other hubs are designed for quiet reading. Check your campus map to find all the study space locations in your college, and take note of their opening and closing hours. 

Manage your expenses by making the most of your campus resources. Be on the lookout for programs, places, and equipment that you can use for free or avail at very low prices to stay on budget without sacrificing your college experience or comfort.

SEE ALSO: The Importance of Fitness for College Students

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