The media seems to be itching for a Floyd Mayweather, Ronda Rousey fight
Society is polarizing, society can be daunting microscope to be under and our favorite athletes and entertainers maneuver through it on a day to day basis. They have considerable patience to put up with the onslaught of misconceptions and misunderstandings told by people who weren’t even there. Lately sports has been top shelf entertainment for the world to bask in. The numbers for events have been staggering this year with the Super Bowl, NBA Finals, NCAA March Madness and the biggest fight of this century Mayweather vs. Pacquio. The popularity of the sports figure has made it simply impossible for athletes who have a high level of success to continue without falling victim to public scrutiny at some point. Some have made careers off said scrutiny such as Floyd “Money” Mayweather who has despite his problems away from the ring has continued to dominate the sport of boxing.
Floyd has a love hate relationship with the media, he takes on the role of the bad guy who does what it takes to win and media gives him hell for it. His past isn’t the cleanest outside of the ring, he served a 2 months of a 3 month jail stint back in 2013 on a plea deal for striking his then girlfriend. That particular incident brings me to UFC Bantamweight champion Ronda Rousey a female, who like Mayweather dominates her own sport. Rousey recently defeated Brazilian Bethe Correia in a 36 second knockout that rivals the likes of Mike Tyson. Rousey is also recent winner of the Fighter of the Year ESPY Award where she brought up Mayweather and his history of domestic violence in an interview after the show.
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As of late the media has begun to pursue this idea of a woman champion fighting a male champion. As a fan of sports I cannot seem to get what intrigues the media to antagonize something they routinely demonize in other sports. The growing domestic violence problem in this country seems to be on the forefront of social commentary since the Ray Rice video came out last year and the seemingly annual domestic violence cases thrown at professional athletes, NFL players especially. Domestic violence is not only thrown against men as of late with female Soccer Olympian Hope Solo and WNBA Star Brittany Griner both having their own personal problems with domestic violence themselves. The issue is universal and should be discussed but to make it ok for a woman to continue to poke at a man in an effort to get him to react is not only childish but irrelevant to the grand scale of sports.
Rousey recently said she would beat Floyd in a fight without any rules. I have come to the conclusion that she just wants attention from Mayweather and he has done well not to pay her any. But hypothetically speaking, let’s say this Floyd and Rousey fight was to happen what would be the outcome. Does anyone win in this situation? Is this really where sports is going man vs. woman in a battle to the death? It disturbs me that people will entertain this notion but on the other hand cry that there is too much violence in our sports today. You can’t have it both ways you and even if you make the case that she is a champion fighter and it is a much more even fight given both of their statures it is still man vs. woman. Not saying she couldn’t win but would you really want to see if she loses, brutally at that. I wouldn’t at all and Mayweather would most likely look like the bad guy again. Mayweather has been at the top of his sport for 18 years and has fought champion after champion so we are not talking about a regular joe schmoe who works down at the local deli, we are talking the pound for pound best to ever do it. Rousey is a true champion herself but her career is short and still has plenty of women to beat so I think that should be Rousey’s focus. Media also has a responsibility in this and I think they are failing at it. Do you think a fight between Floyd Mayweather and Ronda Rousey would be good for sports or bad? Let me know.