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Out of the Ordinary

Monica Lewinsky’s negligee up for auction

Cynthia Martin

President Bill Clinton got more than a piece of ass with Monica Lewinsky

Own an item from one of the more scandalous times in American history

Monica Lewinsky: The woman who brought down a presidency. And for the low price of $50,000, you can be just like her!

That’s right; items owned by the infamous Monica Lewinsky are up for auction. But this opportunity won’t last. Bid today to get a torrid piece of American history. Choose from items like a green silk Kikit blouse, a DKNY navy blue velour jacket and even a floor-length black negligee. With one of these items, maybe you too can hook a president.

Okay, all kidding aside. Monica Lewinsky’s clothing is actually for auction, along with other Lewinsky/White House-related items.

All I’d like to know is: why? Why would anyone want to buy this stuff? Sure it’s a scandal, and yes it’s part of American history, but why would you pay up to $50,000 for this stuff?

But hey, if that’s what you’re into, who am I to judge?

As most of you reading this are probably college age, you might not remember who Monica Lewinsky is. I only vaguely remember seeing things on the television about her (I was only nine when everything came out.) So let me tell you why people would bid ridiculous amounts of money on used clothing that does not belong to an actor/model/porn star.

The scandal broke in 1998. President Clinton initially denied ever having any type of sexual relationship with Lewinsky. At the same time, he was in the middle of a lawsuit with Paula Jones, a former Arkansas state employee who was suing Clinton for sexual harassment.

Things probably wouldn’t have ended up so badly for President Clinton if he hadn’t denied everything. There was a lot of evidence for a relationship with Lewinsky, including recorded conversations and a blue dress with semen on it. And that’s when the lying began.

The lying and the perjury were what did Clinton in and made Monica Lewinsky a household name. And now, though everyone still knows her name, Lewinsky doesn’t have much of a place in pop culture.

That’s what makes this auction so interesting to me. A politician caught in an affair today is no big deal. It happens all the time. So why choose now to auction off these items?

But if you think you can’t live without an item of clothing worn by Monica Lewinsky, you can contact Nate D. Sanders Fine Autographs and Memorabilia. The auction is open till Thursday at 7 p.m.

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