Octomom’s drain on California taxpayers continues.
Nadya Suleman, better known as Octomom, is making headlines once again.
Orange County Family Services and a police officer visited the home of Nadya Suleman Tuesday after Suleman’s hair stylist contacted family services to report that the 14 children are living in squalor.
TMZ published photos the hair stylist, Stephanie, took of the children using portable potty training toilets in the backyard. Other photos released to TMZ show a chair propped against a door as a means of locking someone in or out and a check Nadya Suleman wrote the hair stylist for $520.
Just a few weeks ago, Nadya Suleman went on the Today Show to address her decision to go on welfare, something she vowed from the beginning she would never do.
Nadya Suleman is pulling in $2,000 per month in food stamps. Now, she has written a check for a Brazilian blowout and a haircut, a previous haircut for which she owed, and $80 in hair products.
According to TMZ, Nadya Suleman dismissed plumber’s quote to fix her out-of-order restroom for $150. Nadya Suleman claimed it was “too expensive.” This was before the $520 check for hair services.
Nadya Suleman spoke to Good Morning America Thursday about the family services visit.
“She thought it was unacceptable that they’re half-naked going potty. I mean mom is out there, come on,” Nadya Suleman said.
She also claimed that the chair propped against the door was done by one of her older children to keep the younger children from entering the room and opening and closing the door.
As for the haircut, “I am making money, though. I have jobs and I can afford it,” the welfare recipient said.
Nadya Suleman also claimed that the haircut bill included haircuts for her 14 children.
Stylist Stephanie’s complaint to police was that the children are using the bathroom outside, only one toilet in the house is working because the plumbing is bad, the children are dirty and malnourished, some children are sleeping on the floor, the boys were wearing girls clothing and the children were locked in rooms while Nadya Suleman had her hair cut.
Police determined that the children were not in immediate danger after their home visit