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Out of the Ordinary

Narwhals to be tracked by satellites

Janelle Vreeland


Worldwide narwhal population is between 50,000 and 80,000

Canadian scientists will be tracking and studying narwhals for the first time.

The CBC reports that the narwhals will be tracked using satellites. The pod being tracked is currently in the northern Canadian inlets of Nunavet, adn they will be tracked to their wintering ground. It is believed that the pod spends the winter in south Baffin Bay, but there is currently resource exploration being conducted in the area.

In addition to learning more about the creatures, which can weigh up to 3,500 pounds, researchers are hoping that by tracking their movements, their marine environments will be better protected against oil and gas exploration.

Fox reports that the narwhals are sometimes called the unicorns of the sea, a nod to the ivory tusk that protrudes from their heads.

You can track the narwhals’ movements here.

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