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Need a job? Give your resume to Michelle Obama

Michael O'Neill

Michelle Obama, the employer in chief.

10-year-old girl hands her father’s resume to Michelle Obama

In a touching and poignant move yesterday, a 10-year-old girl handed her father’s resume to First Lady Michelle Obama during a White House ceremony.

The White House held its annual “Take Our Daughters and Sons To Work Day” when the young girl, Charlotte Bell, took to the stage to help her down and out father.

Michelle Obama opened up the floor for questions from the audience when the Associated Press called on Charlotte. Rather than ask a question she made her way up to Michelle Obama and handed her a paper, taking everyone aback.

Little Charlotte told the First Lady, “My dad’s been out of a job for three years and I wanted to give you his resume.”

The First Lady couldn’t help but respond astonishingly, giving the girl a hug and talking to Charlotte for a few moments. Michelle Obama could only say, “Oh my goodness.”

It is unclear how far the unemployed father’s resume will make it in the application process or if his daughter’s move was helpful at all, but it is rather indicative of the millions of people who are still struggling to find decent work in today’s economy.

While the unemployment rate has continued to drop for the past four years, holding steady around 6.7% for months now, much of the job gains have been seasonal and/or in specialized areas such as technology or healthcare. Coupled with stagnated wages and an intransigent Congress, room for improvement is needed, but stifled.

Michelle Obama refused to specifically say what the two talked about, but ended by holding up the resume and simply saying, “I got it.”

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