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Pink gloves controversy over

Jill Treacy

Football coach apologizes for benching 12-year-old wearing pink gloves in support of breast cancer.

The controversy between a football player and his coach over a pair of pink football gloves has been resolved.


The pink gloves controversy has disappeared almost as quickly as it appeared. The controversy over a middle-school football player’s pink gloves came about when the coach of the football team asked 12-year-old Julian Connerton to take off the pink gloves he was wearing in support of his mom’s battle with breast cancer. Connerton took them off at first, though, a fellow player convinced him to put them back on. The coach then benched Connerton for wearing the gloves again, to which Connerton walked off the field.

The Egg Harbor City Crusaders Coach Paul Burgan has apologized for the whole pink gloves controversy, claiming an oversight on the connection between the color pink and breast cancer awareness.

“Me personally, I forgot. It’s not that I don’t know what the color pink stands for. I forgot,” he told My Fox NY. Burgan also said that if he remembered that Julian’s mother had breast cancer, he would have allowed him to play with the gloves. Twenty-six year old Burgan met with the Connerton family on Tuesday to resolve the pink gloves controversy and commend Julian on his dedication to his family.

“He did something 100 percent right. He stood up for his mother. That’s what you want every kid to do,” Burgan told the Press. “In the end you don’t want to hurt any of the kids’ feelings. At the time I didn’t know I hurt his feelings. I feel bad. You don’t want this to happen to anyone’s mother.”

Julian was welcomed back to the Crusaders on Wednesday for their first game and was specifically told he could wear the pink gloves for the remainder of the season. Pink glove controversy over.

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