Spring Break Shopping List — Don’t Forget the Condoms
The holidays are over and the dead of winter has smacked us in the face. It’s no wonder many of us get a touch of the Winter Blues. It may be cold outside but the lure of Spring beckons…
Research shows that planning a vacation, and looking forward to it, boosts happiness levels, sometimes even more than the trip itself does. Therefore, deciding where to party for Spring Break surely must be the Holy Grail of happiness for college students. If you are like most, you’ll choose a warm destination where beaches and pools abound, and alcohol is free-flowing.
Spring Break Shopping List
Shopping can add to your pre-vacation excitement since it’s part of planning process. Of course, a new smokin’ hot bikini and sunscreen are mandatory purchases. Another item that should be on your list, but might be forgotten, is even more important…. Don’t forget the condoms so you will be sure to practice safe sex.
Vacation Sex Rocks
Whether you have a steady partner or not, vacation sex is hot. Trust us– it will be even more enjoyable if you don’t have to worry about an unwanted pregnancy or catching a sexually transmitted disease.
Buy Before You Bang
With all day and all night drinking, scantily clad bodies and the sun raising serotonin levels, inhibitions are at an all-time low during Spring Break. Whether you are a girl or a dude, it’s best to be prepared… before your toes ever touch the sand, and definitely before you spot a gorgeous stranger.
Buy your condoms online before your trip. In fact, stuff your suitcase with them. That way, neither you nor anyone you have sex with will have any excuses once it’s time to do the dirty deed.
Condoms in All Shapes and Sizes
Using protection is a great start, but using condoms correctly to maximize their effectiveness is even better. Make sure condoms fit properly. Using one that doesn’t fit well could cause breakage, which is like not wearing one at all. From small condoms (also known as snugger fit) to Magnum condoms for well-endowed men to non-latex condoms for people who are sensitive or allergic to latex, there are numerous brands and styles to choose from so you’ll be sure to find protection that is right for you.
Ultra-thin condoms are the best choice to alleviate the “it doesn’t feel natural” excuse. Since you’re on vacation, you may also want to bring along a few flavored condoms that will complement your fruity umbrellas drinks.
Trojan Condoms is a trusted brand that offers one of the most extensive selections on the market while One Condoms has the sexiest packaging.
Smooth Sailing
It’s always a good idea to use some lubricant so throw a bottle in your bag. Using lubricant helps ensure that a condom doesn’t break due to dry friction. Plus lube makes the sexual experience more comfortable and therefore more satisfying and exhilarating for both partners.
Plan for Spontaneity
Spring will be here before we know it. Indulge. But be smart and protect your health. Who wants the itch and burn of a STD, or a baby, to remind them of their Spring Fling?
It may sound like an oxymoron, but if you plan ahead and are prepared for spontaneity, you are guaranteed to have a big smile on your face before, during and after Spring Break.