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Police raid apartment of “person of interest” in Boston Marathon bombings

Ted Ballantine

The Taliban has denied involvement in the attack

Police seen leaving apartment with bags of evidence

Police descended on an apartment complex early Tuesday morning believed to be home to a “person of interest” in the Boston Marathon bombings investigation, according to authorities.

Police were seen carrying out three large bags of evidence, according to Christina Hager of WBZ TV.

The search took place around 2 a.m. Tuesday morning in the town of Revere, which lies just north of Boston, in an apartment complex on Ocean Avenue.  

Police have not made any comment on whether they have a suspect in the Marathon bombings or the nature of the bags of evidence they carried out of the complex.

Massachusetts State Police told FOX News Boston that a search warrant was served Monday night for the apartment. Authorities said they were at the apartment searching for a “person of interest”.

Rumors are circulating on social media about the identification of the man, who is believed to live in apartment number 209.

New information about the Marathon bombings is still coming out as of Tuesday.

The casualty toll is still rising as of Tuesday morning, according to CNN. Police have identified 176 casualties, including 17 critical injuries and three deaths.

The FBI has confirmed they are questioning individuals, according to ABC News, but have not released details.

According to ABC, the finish line area was swept for bombs two separate times earlier in the day. Contrary to previous reports, there were only two bombs and not three. Authorities have refuted the initial reports that the bombs were placed in a trash can.

The Taliban has denied any involvement in the attack.

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