Dress for the part you’re expected to play at work-related events
When dressing for work-related events that are outside of the office, it’s important to keep your office dress code in mind as well as the event that you’ll be attending.
As Vicki Salemi says in “Big Career in the Big City,” you should dress the part. For example, if your office is having a dinner at a ritzy restaurant or hotel, make sure you dress up and fit the surroundings. Take the opportunity to present yourself in an elegant and professional way. Although it is possible that, at some events, you could run the risk of overdressing, it’s always safer to overdress than underdress. After all, how embarrassing would it be to be turned away from a Michelin star restaurant because you decided to show up in khakis?
At the same time, if you know that the atmosphere is going to be more relaxed and casual, then dress the part in that way. If you’re attending a company picnic or sports event, stick with a blouse, polo and khakis. In other words, dress for the part you’re expected to portray. And if you’re ever in doubt, get some pointers and insight from your coworkers.
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